Monday, 15 February 2016

Aloo Sandwich

5 Potato
1 pack of Bread slices
Ginger garlic paste
Chopped Onion
Chopped Tomato
Chopped Green chili
Green peas
1 Pinch-Turmeric powder
Salt as per taste
1 tea-spoon Oil
Tomato ketchup.
1.Firstly,boil potato and smash into fine paste.
2.Put a pan and pour 1 tea-spoon of oil after getting heat add onions , green peas and leave it for 2-3 minutes.
3.Add chopped tomato and leave it for 2 minutes then add ginger garlic paste and chilies leave it again for 2 more minutes.
4.Now,add smashed potatoes ,turmeric powder,salt and mix it thoroughly then the mixture is ready.
5.Apply the ghee to the both sides of the bread then apply the prepared mixture on one side of the bread and then cover with another bread.
6.Fry it on a pan until it turns to golden brown and serve hot with tomato ketchup.

Potato health benefits:

Potatoes are one among the best sources of starch, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 100 g provides seventy calories, however, they contain little fat (just zero.1 g per100 g) and no cholesterol.

They are excellent natural sources of each soluble and insoluble fiber. The dietary fiber in them will increase the majority of the stool, thus, it helps stop constipation, decrease absorption of dietary cholesterol and thereby, lower plasma cholesterol. in addition, its wealthy fiber content conjointly helps defend from colon polyps and cancer.

The fiber content aids in slow digestion starch and absorption of easy sugars within the gut. It so helps to keep glucose levels at intervals the conventional vary and avoid wide fluctuations. For a similar reason, potato is taken into account as reliable supply of carbohydrates even in diabetics.

The tubers are one among the richest sources of B-complex cluster of vitamins like B complex (vitamin B6), thiamin, niacin, B complex and foliates.

Fresh potato together with its skin is one among a good supply of inhibitor nutrition, vitamin-C. 100 g of fresh tuber provides 11.4 mg or 200th of daily needed levels of this nutrition. Regular consumption of foods wealthy in vitamin-C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.

They additionally contain adequate amounts of the many essential minerals like Iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphoric, copper and potassium.

Red and russet potatoes contain sensible quantity vitamin A, and inhibitor flavonoids like carotenes and zeaxanthins.

Recent studies at Agricultural analysis service (by plant biological science mortal Roy Navarre) suggests that flavonoid inhibitor, quercetin gift in potatoes has anti-cancer and cardio-protective properties

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